Dressur- und Springturnier mit BZM Rhein-Ahr-Eifel
Preis der Energieversorgung Mittelrhein GmbH
Judges |
Wolfgang Weinand Dieter Oppermann |
Faults | Time |
RV Montabaur-Horressen
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 140.55
RZV Mayen II
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 146.86
RZFV Geisbüschhof I
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 135.07
RSG Hubertushof Remagen
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 142.41
RZFV Geisbüschhof II
Faults | Time |
= 128.00 EUR
Other, non-placed competitors
Team total:
4.00 / 145.31
RZV Mayen I
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 147.07
RZV Koblenz-Metternich I
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 148.30
RC Kalenborner Höhe
Faults | Time |
Team total:
8.00 / 142.00
RC Kalenborner Höhe II
Faults | Time |
Team total:
8.00 / 147.69
RSF Mittelrhein
Faults | Time |
Team total:
8.00 / 153.52
RZFV Geisbüschhof III
Faults | Time |
Team total:
12.00 / 152.61
RZV Koblenz-Metternich
Faults | Time |
Team total:
12.00 / 155.61
RV Distelberger Hof Winningen
Faults | Time |
Team total:
20.00 / 156.49
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